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Thursday, January 03, 2013

This time, with feeling

Blogging for me is a bit like a New Year's Resolution- the task for some reason takes on some Sisyphean proportions, inflicted upon oneself until adjusting ones expectations (namely, quitting), adjusting ones resolve (namely, watering it down - but mostly failing and quitting)... or succeeding. xkcd captures the feeling pretty well:

And so here we are. Another new year brings its attendant resolutions and yet another go 'round on Ye Olde Weblogge. Hopefully this will carry on with more success than the previous attempt. Or the one before that.

I had a brief but enthusiastic spurt some eight to eleven months ago where I threw out a flurry of posts on a variety of topics - sports photography! religion and politics! memes! Rosencopter! - all great topics that reflected my interests closely and my shortsightedness even more so. There are a great many websites I love to read and peruse that cover a wide range of interests, events, and opinions, and I think I wanted to produce something similar in this space. But those sites are staffed with people (plural) whose job descriptions compel them to aggregate content for those sites - my job description (and lifestyle description, were it to exist) lists no such responsibility and certainly none for this site. You're reading a guy who can hardly hoard the hours in a normal day well enough to function let alone run his own curated aggregation blog.

And yet -

Let's start over and try again. I do resolve this year to do more writing (more on my resolutions to come. I think/hope). This blog will be one of the primary vehicles through which I exercise my writing. It will also serve as a gallery for my photography. I will maintain it without allowing it to collect so much dust as to reach through the Internet right into my nasal cavity to trigger a cyber asthma attack. And were I to fail, this post would then stand as a monument to my fruitlessness... at least until the next iteration begins.

1 comment:

  1. i think we have some sort of substance in a compressed can for your cyber dust problem. as for the blog... i look forward to it! i shall encourage you at every juncture. :)


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