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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Bravo, Ed Rollins, bravo!

I wish people around here would embrace this idea that Ed Rollins slips into his op-ed concerning the Supreme Court confirmation:
But a political party is not a religion. We don't get up every weekend and go to our church or synagogue or mosque or wherever else we might practice our beliefs and pay homage to the great tenets of the Republican Party, or the Democratic Party for that matter.

Of all the things that are important to me, I don't get up every morning and say first and foremost I've got to go out and be a good Republican today and spread the gospel and beat up on President Obama and the wretched Democrats.

Like most Americans, I wake up every day and think about my wife, my daughter, my friends, my neighbors, my job and go to work. I worry about my favorite sports teams and whether they won or lost. I do think of myself as an American and thank the almighty that I have that privilege. And as an American, I do worry about the direction of my country and the decisions made by our elected leaders. That is where political parties matter.

I say "people around here," because it feels like I'm surrounded by people who just don't appear to think through things; I don't mean that if they thought through things, they'd vote a different way, just that if they thought through things, perhaps they wouldn't be such jackasses about the way they approach politics. And I don't mean to impugn everyone here, but when you run into them or overhear them on a daily/hourly basis, you know who they are. It's just too bad that they're often the ones you hear the loudest. I was quite turned off upon arriving at WashU at the brash college students who were loudly and proudly uber-liberal, but I am just as put off by those who are loudly and proudly uber-fundamentalist that I can ignore only so effectively nowadays.

...End of ranting. That's quite enough.

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