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Monday, April 13, 2009

the reason for the season

No guilt in life, no fear in death
This is the power of Christ in me

Easter kind of caught me off guard this year. It was a whirlwind of events leading up to the weekend where I suddenly found myself in the pews and realizing "Oh, it's Easter."

Christmas is a fantastic, family-fun type of holiday, but if I were to really get up on my high horse, I'd tell you that Easter is what it's all about. And so here I am, on my high horse. Easter, moreso than Christmas, defines what life should be about.

"No guilt in life." Really? Isn't Christianity centered around guilt, as some might tell you? It sure feels that way, when whole religious institutions and cultures (like, oh I don't know, the South?) seem built upon shame, guilt, innuendo, and "holy comparison," it's freeing to remember that Christ died so that we would be free to pursue life; not just any life where we meander about, but one of purpose. And the forgiveness that He gives is never-ending-- so even though I screw up time and again, whether it's being impatient with my wife or irresponsible with my time or lustful with my thoughts or prideful in my own self-comparisons, the well doesn't run dry.

To me, that's great news.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. it's true, Henry. Thank you for your post. The world doesn't help us (Christians) with the anticipation of the Risen Savior like we do at Christmas time with Jesus birth. Jesus birth was just the beginning of His love story. Easter was really special for us this year too. Thank God, Christ died and ROSE!


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